Why is learning so important? Is it more important for educators? I was once told that we learn something new everyday. If you think about this it is true. Once we stop learning we stop growing in our careers and personal lives.
This weekend I did a lot of learning and growing. In my role as an Instructional Technology Coach, myself and the four other Instructional Technology Coaches for the district, hosted a technology conferences for educators. This was truly a learning experience for myself as I had never been apart of creating such a large event. I learned many things as to what we can do better in future events like this.
In addition to the conference this weekend I had an assignment due for my Master's course work. I value education and always want to learn more. That is why I choose to continue my education and I am getting my second masters this time in school leadership.
Lastly, I learned this weekend by playing outside with my puppy training her. She tested my patients and helped me learn what I should and should not do while training her.
I understand that many people are not like myself and do not strive to be lifelong learners. How do we create this burning fire inside of these people? This is a question that I often ponder...